Monday, April 02, 2012

Tips to keep alert and fit when you appear for exams.

It is best to keep meals simple and light on the tummy.  Heavy meals result in disturbed sleep.  Smart snacking refreshes the body and keeps the students alert and awake.
What to eat?
·         Ensure that meals are small and simple.
·         Snack on crunchy salads such as lettuce, carrot, tomato and cucumber.
·         Juicy fruits help detoxify and de-stress.  Eat oranges, pears, apples and papaya.
·         Roasted grams such as groundnut and Bengal gram, are a good idea.
·         Snack on mixed dry fruits, but only around 10 pieces at a time.
Words of caution?
Children are stressed and, therefore, their immunity is low.  Eating out can result in stomach infection or viral attacks.  It’s best to eat home cooked food that’s clean and hygienically prepared.  High- calorie or high-fat foods can make children sleepy and prevent them from concentrating on their studies.
What to avoid?
·         Oil fried snacks.
·         Greasy,  high-calorie desserts.
·         Skip junk food.
·         Avoid eating out, especially in not-so-hygienic joints.
·         Do not drink juices sold at roadside eateries.
Some general advice
Mark the exam dates and subjects on the calendar and take a look at it every morning.  Keep track of the day and time so that one does not miss out on an exam.

Courtesy : The Hindu, 12/312

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Sinusitis in Children

Sinusitis occurs when the air filled cavities inside the skull become inflamed.  Certain factors increase the risk of developing sinusitis.  For example, 

Having hay fever or running nose.
Being in Day care
Having a condition that affects the cills.
Undergoing  altitude changes, such as those that occur during air travel or scuba diving.
Having enlarged adenoids or rarely an infected tooth.
Having an immune system that's compromised by chemotherapy, HIV infection.
Having cystic fibrosis, an inherited disease that results in thick sticky mucus in the lungs and digestive track.

Courtesy : The Hindu, Wellness, 21/2/12.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Childhood Obesity

Childhood obesity is increasingly found in the modern times. Moreover TV watching is an important factor that contributes to obesity among kids.  The children tend to consume more snacks while watching TV.  the consequence of whic is high blood pressure, higher cholesterol levels, diabetes, sleeping problems.  The physical activity in children reduces drastically due to TV addiction. THe calories consumed are not burnt.

Parents should resort to providing more healthier snacks to their childrend like cut vegetables instead of a pack of chips.  A glass of fresh juice instead of a can of aerated drink.  Parents also should regulate the portions of meals given to the children and encourage regular exercise routine.  TV watching should be limited to lass than an hour a day.