Constipation is the condition where the bowel movements are hard, difficult and painful with a decreased frequency. It is common in children and usually temporary. This condition arises when the child does not eat enough fiber or drink enough fluids or does not have much of physical activity. It also happens when children ignore the bowel movements due hesitation to use the public toilets or unwillingness to break from the currently performing activity.
There are certain levels of constipation which need medical treatment they are:
1. If a child has constipation for more than 3 weeks.
2. If the child suffers from intolerable pain during bowel movements. This may be due to development of fissure.
3. Bleeding while passing stools.
4. constipation accompanied with vomiting and abdominal pain has to be taken seriously.
The treatment for constipation again depends on the cause for it. For patients in whom there is no apparent cause of constipation, require constitution based medication. This improves the bowel movement. Some types are treated with laxatives.
The best way to avoid constipation is to eat fiber rich diet, consume plenty of water and have good physical activity
There are certain levels of constipation which need medical treatment they are:
1. If a child has constipation for more than 3 weeks.
2. If the child suffers from intolerable pain during bowel movements. This may be due to development of fissure.
3. Bleeding while passing stools.
4. constipation accompanied with vomiting and abdominal pain has to be taken seriously.
The treatment for constipation again depends on the cause for it. For patients in whom there is no apparent cause of constipation, require constitution based medication. This improves the bowel movement. Some types are treated with laxatives.
The best way to avoid constipation is to eat fiber rich diet, consume plenty of water and have good physical activity
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